The most popular Somali song of all time?

I have always wondered what the most popular Somali song of all time could be. When I say popular, I mean just purely in terms of the number of people that have heard a particular song. Well thankfully we can take an approximate guess by basing it on the most listened to song on

Well are you ready to find out? Firstly, its a song by Xasan Aden Samatar, no big suprise there. It is called Markaan Da’da Jiray Shan iyo Toban! Listen to it below:

  • Markaan Da'da Jiray 15

This song has had 24,128 listens since when it was first added to in August!

As a tribute, here are the lyrics to this song.

Markaan Da’da jirey shan iyo toban
markaan damac guur lasoo kacey
dookheeyga markaan u sahantagey
nafteyda midaa u door bido
da’deed anigoon ka garaneeyn
hablaha ka deeydayo midaan idhi
dabeecadaheeda gaar iyo
bal aan dulaha tilmaamee
dhulkoo danbarsame ku hooroo
dunida maasheeyey waaguye
midabka biyo dahab sidoodii
ishaan, deymadaan ka boganoo
jeedalada waa u dawiyo nabade.

caashaqan mudo badan
mudo badan i daashadey
riyoda taan doonisteedee
hurdada daris kula ahaan jirey
dabeeyshiyo dhaxanta deeyreed
dugsiga tii iiga noqon leeyd
armey ii daraneeyn adiga tahayeey.

Dooda iyo kulankeenii barashadada
deexdiyo hadalkaagii macaanaa
dawooy samirkiyo dulqaadkii
imaankiyo daacadaadii
dubaakheey taan jecleeystee
naftayda mideey ku dagi layd
armeey daraneey adiga tahayeey

If you would like to see more popular songs just view the Most Popular Somali Songs on

Well what do you think? Is there a more popular song?

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